Friday morning

Mauve Learning Community: Humanity—LeRon Schultz and Kara Powell

What face should I wear today? It depends on the air. I guess I should carry all my masks just in case.

“Balance is something I swing through on my way to the other extreme.”

The pendulum swings from super-me to struggling-me and I use both ends to build the me I think you need-want to see. If I don’t bring my masks, if I life like myself, will people join me or will they run screaming? Are masks merely translation devices? Is authenticity binary or are there levels? If there are levels, is that ok? If it’s ok, is there someone with whom we should be naked and unashamed? Or like Moses, is it only before God that we can be unveiled? Is transparency sometimes a selfish act?

The extroverted life we’re expected to live in ministry really sucks sometimes.

The theological significance of facing, Numbers 6

I am reminded of Loder’s theories on face and spiritual formation. Face manifests God-stuff to the infant. In this ‘facing’ there is both fear and hope. The meeting of Jacob and Esau exemplifies this.

What is God’s facial expression when he looks at me?

How do we retranslate the doctrine of humanity? Do we conserve thru repetition or liberation? We choose liberation—from ‘substance’ to ‘relationality’, from ‘individual’ to ‘community’.

Side note: who are these ‘evangelicals’ you all are listening to that make you assume we believe the body is evil?

Sin: staining substancebroken relations
Image: likeness of mind conforming to Jesus’ way of facing

The Trinity is an eternal facing and being faced.

If you boil it down, is God’s face a face of pleasure? What does it mean when God hides his face? Is his face still a face of pleasure, though turned away?

Friday General Session

Mercy cries on thru voice and drum. The urgent call—no crying—for God’s touch I lift up my eyes…

Lamentations 3.
Joy pulled from catastrophe.
Joy because of hope.
Joy because of God who himself is hope.
Light pulled form darkness.

On the stage, what was once a mass of black on canvas becomes face uplifted, hoping, reflecting.

Then the blesser blesses: The King has one more move!

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