I came across this quote at OneHouse and it reminded me of what I hinted at on the OYB: FEB 13 post on the tabernacle detail in Exodus: "...does not beauty suffice?"

"Literature, painting, music--the most basic lesson that all art teaches us is to stop, look, and listen to life on this planet, including our own lives, as a vastly richer, deeper, more mysterious business than most of the time it ever occurs to us to suspect as we bumble along from day to day on automatic pilot. In a world that for the most part steers clear of the whole idea of holiness, art is one of the few places left where we can speak to each other of holy things." --Frederick Buechner
My favorite bits are:
vastly richer, deeper, more mysterious business

art is one of the few places left where we can speak to each other of holy things
I want to be the sort of theologian who remembers and prioritizes such things.

ht: onehouse: Stop, look and listen.: "Frederick Buechner"


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