The first post summarized the argument of the Connections article and asked questions. The second post suggests the beginnings of a biblical understanding of femininity and masculinity. This post outlines a challenge to the church. (NOTE: While this framework is in need of flesh, classes have started at Talbot, so any flesh will be applied later in the fall.)

1. The church in America suffers from domestication.
1.1. Domestication occurs when more effort is applied to maintenance than to mission.
1.2. Domestication occurs when the church functions according to cultural standards rather than biblical standards.

2. Churches prepare men and women for mission.
2.1. God has sent his church into the world to proclaim his kingdom through word and action.
2.2. The church is composed of men and women, members of one another, who are called and gifted to carry out this mission.

3. Worship focuses our intentions on God’s purposes.
3.1. Worship is a communal declaration of God’s person and work.
3.2. Worship is a communal spirituality that forms the church for mission.

4. Churches prepare men and women for mission in the 24-7 of daily life.
4.1. Ministry opportunities must focus on proclaiming God’s reign in the world.
4.2. Ministries are shaped by the gifts of the congregation and the needs and culture of the surrounding community.
4.3. Decision-making processes focus on proclaiming God’s reign in all of life.
4.4. Outreach and mission opportunities must equip men and women for 24-7 mission in their daily spheres of influence.

5. Churches intentionally teach men and women to be Christ-followers.
5.1. Teaching must focus on knowing and doing God’s truth.
5.2. Teaching must challenge men and women to spiritual obedience.

6. Churches intentionally raise up men and women who will proclaim God’s reign, whether as church-based ministers or community-context ministers.
6.1. Raise up pastors and teachers who are proclaimers of truth.
6.2. Encourage men and women to be strong, courageous leaders.
6.3. Hold firmly to both biblical doctrine and cultural contextualization.

7. Restoring a baseline of courage and an intention to be, do, and tell God’s truth will restore the church to God’s intention.


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“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.” http://www.esv.org/

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