Working and attending Biola, the perception of Biola as a haven for "New Age" Christianity is quite laughable. You can read more about Biola's alleged descent here.
Honestly, the muddling in these posts would take too long to unravel. So, for now, let it be said that Biola still holds to the same doctrinal statement it has held since its beginning 100 years ago. This includes our Institute for Spiritual Formation.
Further, since when is quiet, thoughtful prayer and bible reading dangerous? Grrr.
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What has happened to intelligent, thoughtful debate? Can't anyone in the Emerging/Contemplative movement get out their Bibles and answer some of the objections?
ReplyDeleteI read the post, and frankly, its pretty obvious that Biola is into this Emergent and Contemplative stuff based on your programs, authors, and speakers. Why are you afraid to admit it and embrace it? Most Christians either don't know or don't care, sadly enough, so it shouldn't hurt your business.
ReplyDeleteFirst, merely saying "it's pretty obvious that Biola is into this Emergent and Contemplative stuff based on your programs, authors, and speakers" is insufficient evidence to make such a claim. Provide names, books, and articles AND evidence that this is the PRIMARY position of Biola. After all, Biola is a university and there is a degree of academic freedom (though only a degree, as some former professors have discovered).
Second, state and provide evidence that supports your definition of "Emergent and Contemplative stuff" and why this does not correspond to biblical truth.
Third, others see Biola (and JP, by the way) as anti-emerging. For example, the "List of prominent critics of the emerging church movement" page on wikipedia lists J.P. Moreland and R. Scott Smith (both Biola professors) as prominent critics. The Apologetics Index also lists these two as critics ( Further, a recent publication of Sundoulos (Talbot's alumni magazine) critiqued the emerging church (
The "Emerging Conversation" ( held at Biola a few years ago, was also critical of EC.
As for your question, being that "intelligent, thoughtful debate" takes time, I ask your patience as I ponder this question, search the Scripture, and formulate a response.