Getting more of Jesus: Talbot convocation

I am realizing this is my last Talbot convocation as a student taking courses. It is also Dr. Dirks' last as Dean. These two factors make his focus on Jesus all the more appropriate.

Text: Matthew 16:13-20

Son of Man
Born of a human, but also having authority and giving himself as sacrifice. Filled with eschatological meaning, yet communicating incarnational humility.

Getting It
The people didn't really get it. They thought Jesus was John or Elijah or some other prophet. But Peter nailed it: Jesus is the promised anointed one, the son of the living God.

From Getting It to Being It

In this context, Peter's role as first leader of the ecclesia is declared, showing that understanding -- based on revelation rather than merely on reason -- opens the door to being. A few verses later (22ff) we see Peter in process: he doesn't get the full import of Jesus as Anointed One. This humble one is Almighty God, the Sovereign Creator.

Jesus is the majestic one, the one with whom we have to do

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