Make sure it's real (Red 3)

Two pots of inexpensive silk tulips sit near my guitar set up each Sunday. I am certain someone thinks they are decorative, but I just can't get past the lie.

Some Sunday mornings, I come with an attitude that has too much in common with those tulips: my playing looks like worship, but it's really just guitar playing. My very real connection with Jesus has not been nurtured and my soul has not been confronted with Jesus' glory.

And what is at issue? I am. I have a responsibility to nurture my desire for Jesus. I have a responsibility to be confronted. I have a responsibility to pay attention.

Something else is at issue as well: you, my Christian siblings are responsible. You are responsible to nurture my desire for Jesus. You are responsible to confront me. You are responsible to help me pay attention.

Shame on me.
Shame on you.
Shame on us.

John 5:1-8

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