Waiting in potential

There is a space in deciding and acting that does not look like much.  In fact, it looks like doing nothing. Before and after this space is decision and action in action. Within it is decision and action in potential. Both are often necessary.

A kindle is not a paper book and that's good

Honestly I thought I would hate it: I like the feel of paper. In fact, I only purchased mine as a cheap tablet-of-sorts (more on that at another time). The truth is, I have read and comprehended more books in less time than ever before.

If you are skeptical, I understand, but consider this: the kindle manages and aggregates notes and highlights, tweets, surfs the net, and--this is my favorite--reads to you (if allowed by the publisher).

Very cool.

Living of the verge of amazing

from plan to forever

God’s carpe diem
becomes our story
told across life

dusty feet
equipped hands
ready tongue

wherever, whatever needed
whenever open


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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

On my plate lately - 7/24 edition

leftover pork bits, fried up with eggs and topped with cream sauce

grassfed rib eye topped with reduced juices and a bit of Celtic salt

leftover pork bits, fried up with onions and served with Bubbies sauerkraut

fried calves liver, topped with honey liqueur sauce, and served with caramelized onions

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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Finding bee corpses disturbs me

Most of the year, I find dead honeybees near the mailboxes in my complex. I don't know if this is related to Colony collapse disorder, but I find it disturbing nonetheless.  If the honeybees are dying in such numbers, what is wrong with the local ecosystem?

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(C) Laura Springer

Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Wisdom rules, so trust

as a wise executive Wisdom works
though hidden in selected evidence

even using the contrary
for chosen ends

so trust makes sense

wisdom rules

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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

The Bible is at least literature, therefore...

All literature should be approached with respect for the author’s intentional meaning. This is multiplied when one of the authors is God. Given this, I suggest the following four questions as a basis for studying the Bible.
  • What did it mean?
  • What does it mean?
  • How is the meaning significant?
  • How should/will I/we respond?

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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

How to scramble eggs for increased nutrition

Since raw egg whites lock up a valuable nutrient, biotin, available in raw egg yolks, when I make scrambled eggs, I do not mix the eggs first.
  • Heat pan to medium and add robust fat of choice (I use real butter).
  • Crack whole eggs into pan, as if to make fried eggs.
  • When the whites have nearly completed the cooking process and the yolks are still liquid, stir the eggs in the pan.
  • As soon as you’ve finished stirring them, remove the scrambled eggs from the pan, put them on a plate, and enjoy.
This allows you to have cooked egg whites and nearly raw egg yolks, leveraging the biotin.

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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Mountain Food: a sampling of my tasty eating on vacation

breakfast: rib eye, sauerkraut, fried eggs

at The Grill at Antlers Inn: rib eye over purple potatoes. Yum!

Prib's meal at The Grill: filet mignon

"Stone Soup" meal: tri tip; roasted zukes, yellow bell, sunchoke, and kale

breakfast: eggs 'n' stuff

Rib eye, Brussels sprouts, and fresh corn

breakfast: eggs, broccoli, 'n' stuff

Independence Day meal: beef, artichoke salad, guacamole, and tortilla chips
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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

What I did the day after vacation

Apparently, 5:00 is very early, especially the day after vacation. Rushed like a mad woman, made coffee and warmed a bit of steak, rushed out without glasses and had to go back, and missed my first bus. Ah well.

What we did on summer vacation

the decorative garden curb is assembled

slate laid, and vinca planted

a bit more vinca

my water control trench, filled with gravel and ending in a soak pit

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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Seen on the Mountain - 7/7 Edition

I went on a road walk today, about 1.6 miles; this is what I found:

the mountain house dressed in sweet peas

the decorative garden curb: phase one complete

Spanish Broom

teensy daisies (about 1/2 inch max)

lamb's quarters, I think

hollyhock buds with giant black aphids

another cool tiny path

roots hugging a rock

plants adorning a boat trailer

Spanish Broom cascading down the slope

cool trees in the neighbor's yard
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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Seen on the mountain - 7/5 edition

freaky jumping spider with one leg looking like a crab-thing

pre-fireworks relaxation, soon to turn into a mad dash upstairs

the lake before the boats stir up waves

the path for the morning walk

a flower found along the way

the 7/4 rain storm: 10 minutes of downpour. wow.
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(C) Laura Springer
Creative Commons License
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.