LIFE ON MARS creation discussion

Discussing the implications of possible life on Mars over at

Here's some (slightly modified for context) excerpts of my comments. I may blather on about this later.

Speaking as a 'six-day creationist', from my reading of the Genesis account, I see nothing precluding life on other planets, though I doubt there would be an equivalent to human life, simply because of the incarnation. I'm afraid I have no well thought reasoning, but it seems to me that incarnation is a rather one-shot deal. I mean, it makes little sense for God to go around becoming human over and over. My take on Scripture is that the incarnation was a one time deal and that, in fact, Jesus is still human--though glorified (and simultaneously wholly God).

Anywho, sentient beings (in the-dolphin's-can-communicate sense) may well exist on other planets. This does not affect my view of Genesis because Genesis is from earth's perspective, telling us about God's interactions with human earthlings. The notion of humanity as the imago dei fits in here too (this may be what I blather on about later, after I've pondered a bit and read the article.)

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