"The Bible is God's voice, spanning the ages.
The role of biblical preaching
is to echo that voice in this generation."
page 9, Biblical Preaching, by Donald R. Sunukjian

So, today I picked up a copy of Biblical Preaching. I had purchased one previously, but gave it away. this one is mine.

One may wonder why, given that I have no official preaching responsibilities. Short answer: this book will feed my soul. Longer answer: Yesterday, in a discussion with other Sanctify-ers, the comment was made that we rarely get to the "So what?" in our discussion Bible study. We need to. I, as teacher, must make space and provide structure for this to happen. Sunukjian knows how to do this in a sermon and has taught (probably) hundreds to do so. Reading him will remind me how to do this in a discussion.

I need to remember how to echo the voice of God.

NOTE: this new read was also spurred by an Oct 4, 2007 discussion on the efficacy of preaching over at Made To Praise Him.


See CC License

“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.” http://www.esv.org/


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Would love to hear your thoughts/summary of the book when you finish it.

  2. I plan on doing a reflection paragraph or two after each lunch-time reading. These will likely include some summary as well as some thoughts.

    In fact, I think I shall use your question to guide my reflection. 'Tis a good question.
