Over at Through a glass darkly, Ann says,

Perhaps we should instead be praying for people to see God as powerful or to see His movement in the lives of others. I feel the need to pray that students lives be completely broken, that their love of the world and the things of the world be utterly shattered.

I agree.

To that end, here is my prayer for the College Ministry at tfb:

I pray that we would know the story of God for what it is--God's glorious work through all of time, bringing everything into conformity to his will--and would be honest about the story of ourselves--that we are messy people learning to follow Jesus.

I pray that we would be the people of God--members of Christ's body and members with all Christ-followers (even those who do not seem to be as spiritual as we are). I pray that we would be connected with the believers at TFB, actively participating in the life of our local congregation.

I pray that we would expand the kingdom, not only by telling others about Jesus, but also by taking a hard look at our lifestyle choices, by being broken by our own worldly conformity, and by deciding to live lives that point to Jesus.

More later...

1 comment:

  1. With a prayer like that, be ready to face its answer and its enemy (John 10:10).
