SUMMER 2008 READING--working list

I realize that it's only Feb 15, but (1) the itch is sore upon me and (2) I'd like any suggestions I can get. (Update: 5/26/08)

Well, summer reading was quite a bit different than I expected in February. Maybe spring? (Update: 12/12/08)

This summer's reading will, I think, focus on theological method and biblical theology (by testament, canonical???). Given my normal turtle-like reading speed, many of these will be fast read (ala Reading on the Run).

This post will grow as I find books. Suggestions requested.

Systems Thinking

The Untold Story of the New Testament
by Frank Viola

God on Paper
by Bryan Loritts

Simply Christian
by N.T. Wright
mostly DONE

The Fifth Discipline

by Peter Senge

Theological Method

Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching
by Walter C. Kaiser

Beyond Foundationalism: Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context
by Stanley J. Grenz and John R. Franke

The Study of Theology
by Richard Alfred Muller

The Problem With Evangelical Theology
by Ben Witherington III

How to Think Theologically
by Howard W. Stone

In addition, the prolegomena sections of various systematic theologies will be read...more on that later.

Biblical Theology

Toward an Old Testament Theology
by Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

Biblical Theology: Retrospect and Prospect
by Scott J. Hafemann (Editor)

The Pentateuch as Narrative
by Dr. John H. Sailhamer

Introduction to Old Testament Theology: A Canonical Approach
by Dr. John H. Sailhamer

Biblical Theology
by Geerhardus Vos

A Biblical Theology of the Doctrines of Sovereign Grace
by George J. Zemek


See CC License

“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”


  1. Anonymous3:35 AM


    NT (Tom) Wright seems to be missing from lksbooks, I have just started to scratch the surface of his stuff. See some references at N. T. Wright Page

    Just a suggestion

  2. Good catch and great website...I'll need to go diving :-)

    I also have Simply Christian in my library AND it fits my current "systems thinking" mode, so it will likely be on the reading list next week.

