It was a foggy morning, which was appropriate for the fuzziness of the journey. Well it's both unfortunate and good that I have class on a holiday. It's unfortunate because it's a holiday and I would rather wake up on the mountain. It's good because I get to see scholar friends I have not seen in a while and because I can take holiday rather than vacation. It also helps that the course is a topic I thoroughly enjoy, with people I enjoy even more.
I am glad the remainder of the day will be enjoyable, for the trip in was less than enjoyable, partially due to my own failure to note that metro was on holiday schedule and partially due to the nasty 210 driver who flailed his arms at us (I guess to communicate that the 710 was not running), but failed to stop and pick us up. To top it, I missed the close bus by one minute and had to take the far bus to campus, and that on a sore knee and bum foot.
Okay, enough complaining.
So, I end with a tiny reflection from the end of the day. At the end of my morning commute, as I walked in the long way (having missed my bus), Dr. Orbe picked me up and saved my sad knee and ankle more stress. The day itself, well, class was great for a first day (it's tough on the first day when we're all getting our sea legs, so to speak). Tomorrow is another long day, but the commute is better, as I'm staying near campus for the full student experience. Even more, my hotel mates are a fine bunch. It's gonna be a good week.
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(C) Laura Springer
Laura's Writings by Laura Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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