Free, Bought, and Fruitful

Freedom in Christ, belonging to Christ, and bearing fruit for Christ should shape everything about church.

Underlying everything we are and do as church are three related truths. First, we are free. Those who trust Christ are not bound by the Old Testament law, have been freed to live toward Jesus, becoming ever more like him. But our freedom is not a license to do as we please but rather a new capacity to do as God pleases.

Second, we are found. Those who trust Christ are no longer in slavery to sin and death but belong to the One who gave himself for us and for our good. We belong to the One who laid down his life and then picked it up again so that all who trust him would share his forever life.

Third and finally, we bear fruit. Life is no longer self-absorbed and futile. Rather, every day we have the grand opportunity to bear witness with our lives to who Jesus is. We have the opportunity to declare his praises and call others to worship and follow him.

Anything we are or do as church that fails to fulfill these should be eliminated.

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