
DONE! for the summer and only four units to go until I finish my Master of Divinity. Now I'm off to a nutritious and tasty lunch in the Biola cafernacle accompanied by Frankenstein therapy.


  1. Far out, girl.

    Good on ya.

  2. Four units? One class? And then you can join our master of divinity club? Then what happens?

  3. Yeah, it's all pretty darn exciting if ya ask me. I've been going part time since Fall '99 to get this puppy done. Next step is a Master of Theology--I'm headed (mostly???) for seminary teaching--but who knows. Anyhow, two classes (yes, we're semester) to go--Exegesis in Ephesians and Theology of the Pentateuch--then I get to walk across the Biola platform and get that lovely red and white and scarlet masters hood. Spring 06 I start the ThM in systematics, probably specializing in ecclesiology.
