6 dragging back down the stairs
Originally uploaded by LauraS.
Every June the TFB College Ministry participates in a very important ritual. It's called the freshman drag. All the students and leaders invade high school Sunday school on promotion Sunday, force the poor little frosh to hold on to a rope like little kids, and drag them (nicely... ususally...) over to the college room. Once there, the very important part of the ritual takes place. They are released. The rope is cut and they are given their rope loop. It's a small thing, but it symbolizes the move from childhood to adulthood. They are now responsible for their own rope.

In about five months, we will have the freshman drag. For me as the leader-teacher-tangentrider, this ritual means that once again everything changes. With every new crop of freshmen, college ministry changes. Maybe this is not the case with larger ministries, but it is certainly the case with smaller ministries. It's exciting, but it means that every year, I must learn the ropes all over again. So, I start preparing now.



  1. Who are we expecting to come up this year?

  2. I don't remember all of them, but a few are the manchild Chris, the slices (who may or may not come depending on whatever it is that goes on in their minds), Leah, and a few more I can't think of. It's a smaller group than last year... but it may be a very interesting one.

  3. Chris, megan's brother?

  4. yup... it's gonna be a whole new world!
