stuff cross celtic at forest lawn 2 pen

I have noticed a rather disturbing trend over the last few months. When I mention to someone at Biola/Talbot that my Th.M. thesis is on emerging church ecclesiology, the person I'm speaking with asks whether I am for or against. Honestly, I don't know how to answer that question other than to say, "Mixed," and then hastily add that I am studying this topic because the emerging church has much to teach us about being church.

As a conservative evangelical, I know where they are coming from. Yet, I think that is the wrong question. A better question, and one I wish people at Biola/Talbot would ask, is why I think emerging church ecclesiology is worthy of investigation. That is a question I love to answer--and do so, even when they do not ask it.

As to the first question, I refuse to take sides.
After all, as followers of Jesus, are we not on the same side?

And there is salvation in no one else,
for there is no other name
under heaven
given among men
by which we must be saved.
Acts 4:12


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It is now regular time. The spring term ended on May 25 and this week is IPA week.


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Paradoxology asks, Which did you commemorate in Church Today? (Memorial Day or Pentecost Sunday). I've blogged on the issue before and, though I am passionate about it, decided not to rant this year. I did comment over there:

My church remembered Memorial Day. I stepped out during that portion of the service. Unfortunately, neither I nor the church remembered Pentecost. Shame on me for forgetting. Shame on us for not even considering the option.
There is a place for remembering our honored dead and those who put their lives on the line for our good, but such a remembrance must always take a backseat to the worship of the living God when the remembrance is in the context of a corporate worship service. I'm not sure what this would look like, but worship planners, worship leaders, and pastors must think intentionally about the issues and the informing theology, lest we practice or communicate patriotic idolatry.


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The study of theology : from biblical interpretation to contemporary formulation
by Richard A. Muller

As I read through Muller's book, I will be processing the information by creating graphic summaries. A verbal summary and response will come later.


The Study of Theology: Issues and Problems


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Thesis: Christians ought to honor truth in other faith systems, while boldly proclaiming Jesus as the only true way to eternal life.
There is only one kind of truth. Knowledge, certainty, and belief vary. Truth does not. Truth can be defined as “The conformity of a proposition to the way things are”. As such, truth is true, regardless of context.

Truth can be categorized in several ways. For example, there are scientific, philosophical, sociological, etc categories. One category is “ultimate end.” Only one truth has eternal life as its ultimate end. Now, obviously, this statement has certain presuppositions. One such presupposition is the nature of eternal life.

In John 17:3, Jesus defines eternal life as, “that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” Eternal life is understood here as eternal relationship with the persons of the Triune God. Jesus is the only source of this eternal life: “Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him” (John 17:1b-2).[1]

Given this definition of eternal life, it is clear that Jesus is the only way. This is a truth—a proposition that corresponds to the way things are—with eternal significance. It is a truth we must proclaim (Matt 28:16-20; Acts 4:8-12).

But, the eternal significance of this one truth offers no justification for dishonoring other truths. All truth, wherever it is found, can be honored and heard because Jesus is Lord of all. Other faith systems have much to say about the human condition and about living in the world as good persons. Such truths do no damage to our faith unless our faith is in something other than Jesus. Further, people in other faith systems may not be able to hear us until we have respectfully heard them.

Therefore, two practices are required of disciples of Jesus:
  • Honor truth in other faith systems by listening to the hearts of those holding those faiths.
  • Share your heart with all who will hear, boldly proclaiming Jesus as the only way to eternal life.

[1] I realize not all agree with this presupposition and, in that case, this argument will be unconvincing. About this I can do nothing, but I do invite you to join the conversation by posting your understanding on your blog and linking here.

PAGITT and SLICE (the above short essay is the result of ponderings prompted by the second half of the interview)

Corresponding With Truth on Scriptorum
Bibliology on Theology Website
In Whose Image? in Books & Culture


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“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”


A new name for attraction children's ministry, courtesy of marko's blog:

Chuck E. Church

Yes, it's easier and more fun to do entertainment ministry...but DON'T DO IT!

I've closed comments here, so discuss over at ysmarko. I'm just feeling ranty and felt the need to chime in.

Tag(s): get a tag

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AMOS-the last word

Last night at TNBS, we finished our study of Amos by listening to the ESV mp3 and writing down our thoughts in three categories: Gratitude, Reverence, and Response. After listening to the text, we shared and discussed our thoughts, listening to Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suites in the background. Though my list was quite lengthy, two stood out:

1. Dang! (this was Jeff's)
2. Have I squandered God's grace?

June 5, we are moving on to Habakkuk, which happens to contain one of the most amazing worship passages in the entire bible. If you're in Southern California, you are welcome to join us.

Tuesday Night Bible Study
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm
2118 West Carson Street
Room 202


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That's what the end of a semester is like. We who inhabit the academic world bear the face of one determined yet tired.

I shall finish, that is certain. It is also certain that I have a burning desire to be finished, to fall in a clump just past the tape, and rest my soul in a room temp beverage.


Chunk: Amos 1-9
just enough
to make your head spin.

unbending justice:
whole peoples,
carried off

unbending grace:
Yahweh's people,

so many chances,
so many reminders,
so many exhortations,
and scorned.

high price.

higher hope.


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“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

PAGITT and SLICE...a pre-critique

I just listened to the mp3 of Doug's interview with Ingrid. Now, let me say, I do not agree with much of what Doug seems to believe, but... wow... the discussion between Ingrid and Pastor Dewaay was an example of mutual back-slapping. I heard not one constructive criticism. My jaw dropped when they basically compared the emerging church (and Doug?) to Satan ("listen for the hiss").

I used to read Slice. I stopped. Now I remember why I stopped. It is possible to discuss difficult issues and shed light, rather than heat, in the process. Slice, etc, have a history of shedding heat. This is unfortunate, for every permutation of Christianity needs external critique. None of us have it all together. All of us have filters and presuppositions that shape how we think about God and theology. We need to listen to one another, to hear one another's perspective, and to take what we've heard back to the Word and Jesus and make any necessary changes or critiques.

One good thing comes of this: I'm more ready than ever to start my research on the ecclesiology of the emerging church. In this my prayer is to give my conversation partners a fair and accurate hearing, to critique their theology with humility and grace, and to always point to Jesus.

There is a difference between being discerning and being judgmental. Lord, help me not cross that line.

pagittBlog: Radio Interview
From Confusion to Certainty


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BIOLA HISTORY--it's good to look back

I've been working on a project at work that involved searching through years and years of catalogs. The oldest one I've had access to is from 1916 (8 years after Biola's birth). The stated "Object of the Institute" caught my eye:
The Institute aims, in its training of all classes for whom it is intended, to send out men and women having at least these seven characteristics:
  1. Genuine and thorough consecration.
  2. Intense love for souls.
  3. A deep and comprehensive knowledge of the Word of God, and especially of how to use it in leading men to Christ.
  4. Willingness to endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.
  5. Untiring energy.
  6. Endument [sic] with power by the filling with the Holy Spirit.
Great emphasis is laid upon the development of the spiritual life of the student. If any student should go from the school without a more intimate, personal acquaintance with Jesus Christ, or without more of the power of the Holy Spirit in his life and work, the Institute would have failed in his case at the most important point.

Good legacy... I think it needs to be reviewed and reinstated.


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In the past few days, I've been pondering the nature of worship. I realize that for some, that first sentence may not seem to relate to the title of this post. But it does.

There is a divide in Christianity that falls somewhat along the lines of the domains in Bloom's taxonomy: affective, psychomotor, and cognitive. The affective camp--the emotives--places a high value on passionate connection with Jesus and passionate expression of worship: right passion. The psychomotor camp--the experientials--places a high value on bold, passionate practice: right practice. The cognitive camp places a high value on biblical/theological truth: right belief.

Now, in reality, we all live, learn, and express in all three domains. We simply prefer one domain over the others. Some worship and follow Jesus best through their emotions. Others do so through action. Still others do so through intellectual engagement. All three are worshiping and following God.

Yet, too often one or the other "type" of believer lobs volleys at the other types, judging them as more or less "spiritual" than themselves. But since when is spirituality defined by the nature of one's expression? Is it not rather defined as worshiping and following Jesus, as relishing his presence? How is it that our eyes are so easily taken off Jesus and onto externals? If God touches one person's emotions, another's intellect, and still another's activity, who are we to judge God's choices?

Let us offer one another grace. Let us heed the emotives as they call us to deep, expressive passion for Jesus. Let heed the experientials as they call us to bold, loving action. And let us heed the intellectuals as they call us to accurate expressions of biblical/theological truth.

So, what does this have to do with the title? Excellent question. Here's my answer: I am an intellectual. I worship God by squeezing Scriptures for every drop, by constantly evaluating my understanding according to God's word, and by proclaiming (and periodically ranting) that understanding before my fellow believers. I worship God primarily with my intellect.

I write this to remind emotives and experientials that my style of worship is valid and good. I write this to remind myself that the worship styles of emotives and experientials is valid and real.

We are in this together and it takes all kinds. Let us give grace.

Title ht: Richard commenting on Made to Praise Him, What are we pursuing?


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Three by Flannery O'Connor : Wise blood ; The violent bear it away ; Everything that rises must converge
by Flannery O'Connor

The Concise Guide to Sounding Smart at Parties
by David Matalon & Chris Woolsey (btw, Chris happens to be one of my favorite servers at Il Fornaio, Manhattan, eh)


The study of theology : from biblical interpretation to contemporary formulation
by Richard A. Muller

How to think theologically
by Howard W. Stone

Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends
Edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson, and Michael J. Sleasman

What Are They Saying About Theological Reflection?
by Robert L. Kinast

Ecclesiology books
Emerging church books
Tons of blogs
Anything else I need to research for the ThM thesis


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Yahweh is sovereign
no where to hide
no where to run

those who make gods
of themselves,
of things,
of ideas:
never to rise.

Yahweh is sovereign
grace will find
grace will follow

those who make him God
of themselves,
of things,
of ideas:
never to be removed.

He is judge.
He is deliverer.
He is sovereign.


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Biola's Board has decided and Dr. Barry H. Corey has accepted. (Read the official announcement.)

Prayer requests for Biola:
  • a renewed spirit of unity
  • a renewed spirit of devotion
  • a renewed spirit of urgency for God's work
...and so it begins...


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The foundations of Biola University were laid in 1908, when Lyman Stewart and T. C. Horton started the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. By 1912, the institute was large enough for its first dean, R. A. Torrey. The institute expanded under Louis T. Talbot and in 1949, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles became Biola College. The college moved La Mirada in 1959 under Sam Sutherland and became Biola University in 1981 under Richard Chase. Under the leadership of Clyde Cook, Biola has grown to 6 schools and 5,752 students.

Much has changed since 1906, but at least one important thing has remained the same: the direction set in 1908--to teach the truths of Scripture--remains the direction today. Biblical authority and learning permeate every program. Understanding the Bible is part of who we are.

Today, Biola University is on the verge of another transformation. President Cook is retiring after 25 years of faithful service. A candidate is in the wings. Many things will change. The commitment to the Word of God will stay the same.

Some are concerned that a presidential candidate with no formal theological training will be unable to stay the course. I am not concerned. First, Biola is replete with theological and biblical experts. In addition to the fine faculty of Talbot School of Theology, many employees (including staff (like me), faculty in other departments, and administrators) have formal theological training and are willing to stand and speak the truth. Second, thinking theologically does not require formal theological training. It requires cognitive, affective, and volitive submission to the Word of God. Third, a president with formal training in the processes of Christian higher education can lead the executive administration to lead Biola to become the exemplary Christian university and global center for Christian thought that it envisions.

We need a president with bible in his blood, educational excellence in his heart, and Jesus in his daily life.


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the prophet's soul.

and fire

mercy sought
and offered.

but mercy
may be scorned
only so long before
is required.

the house,
has been found

the fruit,
has been plucked.

despite protest,
despite opposition,
despite brokenness
of the prophet's own soul,
God's word
must be spoken.

songs of praise
songs of wailing.

there is nothing left to say.


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Moments ago, Dr. Barry H. Corey (presidential candidate for Biola University) finished speaking and answering questions in Talbot chapel. I've no conclusions (a few conclusions added 5/10), but I do have notes:

"It's okay if you don't know where you're going, as long as you know what you're looking for." (in context of his multi-year study of Genesis, especially Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

Build an altar
Pitch your tent

Altar stones:
Grace-filled community
Absolute truth of the Lordship of Jesus Christ


1) definition of "success" in the context of a Christian university or college
  • clearly committed to what the school states it will be
  • training leaders with a biblical worldview, who think christianly, and engage culture
  • biblical fidelity
  • diversity
  • global

2) AOG ordination and position on ordination of women, tongues as a sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, eternal security, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a second work of grace
  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  1. long wondered about it
  2. not a cessationist
  3. strong family connection to AOG
  4. has preached no sermons and written no articles on the subject
  5. during January and February of 2007, in response to the search committee packet from Biola University, he began to think deeply and theologically on this issue: a) the baptism of the Holy Spirit is true; b) there is a single, initiatory event in which the Trinity, at regeneration, comes to dwell in the believer in the person of the Holy Spirit; c) empowering (AKA filling) is different from baptism; d) the Holy Spirit comes in a person once; e) he seems willing to "take the hit" at Biola and in the AOG
  • Tongues: has never spoken in tongues
  • Eternal Security: is coming to a new understanding of irresistible grace
  • Ordination of Women: is a mild complementarian--women may not be Senior Pastors

3) Definition of "evangelical" and the "ecumenical imperative" (honestly, there was some context here I missed): avoid ecumenical sloppiness

4) Balance of family and university responsibilities: spend quantity and quality time with family; he is not naive

  • Dr. Corey's responses and additional information from a trusted professor have allayed my concerns about baptism of the Holy Spirit and other AOG beliefs.
  • While it is likely that I still disagree with Dr. Corey's stance, I believe he is able to sign Biola's doctrinal statement in good conscience. Further, I have great respect for anyone willing to place their long held beliefs in submission to the Scripture and change them when Scripture makes it necessary.
  • Dr. Corey's passionate comments about the authority of Scripture and the need for Biola to be what it claims to be give me great hope for the future of Biola under his presidency--should he be called to serve at Biola.
  • I believe it would be in the best interest of Biola University and Dr. Corey for him to write an article explaining his position (on baptism of the Holy Spirit, tongues, and persistence of salvation) and the reasons behind it as soon as possible after he is confirmed. There will most certainly be resistance from various constituencies within the greater Biola community. Information will help shed light rather than heat.

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“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”


Chunk: John 13-17
where we are meant to be
to who we are

in words
in life
in passions

in Jesus
in the Father
in one another

truth declaring

we rest.

everything changed:
Creator in flesh,
God died yet lives

God's Breath
in us
no fear


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“Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”


First posted on Tangentrider's MySpace May 2006.
[voice in in first person singular...the person is Laura, AKA Tangentrider]

I think one of the most common 'bible study' questions is, "What does this passage mean to you?" To be honest, every time I hear it I bristle. Why? Because I care deeply what the Bible means. You see, there is a vast difference between the two. The first one cares most about personal perception. The second one cares more about what the Bible intends to communicate. And if the Bible truly is the Word of God, then its intended meaning is crucial.

That's why I care so much about what the Bible means. I believe the Bible is the actual Word of God. First, the Bible is the most well-attested ancient document in existence. We have manuscript portions from within a decade or so of the original writing. No other ancient document can say that.

Second, the Bible gives the best explanation for the condition we find ourselves in. Think about the people you know--or about yourself. Each one of us is a bizarre mixture of goodness and badness. The Bible explains that humans are created by God to be like God. This is why each human is good. The Bible also explains that humans chose to go their own way and try to make themselves like God. This explains why humans are bad.

Third, the Bible gives the best solution to humanity's problem. Try as we might--and we have tried a lot--we cannot get rid of our badness. It pops up at the most inconvenient times and leaves destruction in its trail. If you survey the religions of the world they all offer a fix that involves human effort. But human effort has not worked. The Bible explains that God took it upon himself to solve the problem. He only asks that we stop trusting ourselves--which has not and does not work--and trust him.

That is why I don't care what it means to you. Its nothing against you. Rather its something about the Bible. Your perception--or my perception--is not master. The Bible is master. The Bible tells us what we mean. We do not decide what it means. Rather, we discover what it means.

See the follow-up post: I Don't Care What it Means to Me Either


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Yahweh comes
with sword
with tears.

His people's
earned reward.

So many chances,
So many warnings,

The One
who gives what is due
we give what is due.

The One
who does what is right
we do what is right.

the sword
the tears.


Amos 5:18-6:14--The woeful reward of those practicing self-defined worship and self-defined blessing...demonstrates Yahweh's sovereignty, justice, and righteousness. Self-defined worship and the resulting self-defined worldview earn exile per Yahweh, the God of Armies (5:18-27). Self-defined blessing practiced by the ruling class in Zion and Samaria protects no more than that of the surrounding fallen nations (6:1-3). Self-defined blessing ought to have been mourning over the "ruin of Joseph." Therefore, the house of Israel earns the punishment for which it has worked (6:4-14).


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