Ecclesial Connections
- Explicit knowing of intentional relatedness--theology
- Tacit knowing of inherent relatedness--mood
- Intuitive knowing of inherent unity--Spirit
- Sensory knowing of intentional unity--gathering
- Explicit knowing of intentional towardness--love
- Tacit knowing of inherent towardness--desire
- Intuitive knowing of inherent grace-gifting--Spirit
- Sensory knowing of intentional grace-gifting--ministry
How does the process of knowing influence persons and truth?
Whole body growth and developmental psychology
Spiritual Formation along the Individual-Communal/Content-Process Continua
NOTE: I have added intuitive and sensory to Gill's model.
Gill's identifications:
- focal awareness + conceptual activity = explicit knowing
- subsidiary awareness + bodily activity = tacit knowing
- focal awareness + bodily activity = sensory knowing
- subsidiary awareness + conceptual activity = intuitive knowing
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