Reading Notes on Restructuring for Integrative Education: Multiple Perspectives, Multiple Contexts
Edited by Todd E. Jennings
"Developmental Dialectic of Students, Faculty, and Higher Education"
by Ivan D. Kovacs and Helen J. Shoemaker

Ecclesial Connections
  • The context for restructuring is mutuality, face-to-face interactions concerning meaning and values.
  • Restructuring occurs through real mutual affection that goes beyond what is required for collegiality.
  • Restructuring occurs in the context of ecclesial community that spans space and time.
Functioning Persons
  • Persons involved in restructuring must be eager to influence and be influenced by others.
  • Persons involved in restructuring must be eager to love and be loved.
  • Persons involved in restructuring must be eager to serve and be served.

Kovacs and Shoemaker claim that restructuring for integration must involve three constructions simultaneously.
  1. meaning and value, which I take to be primarily toward each person's internal world
  2. relationships with others, which I take to be mutuality and identity formation
  3. spatiotemporal existence, which I take to be primarily toward each person's external world


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