Excuses Unhinged?

too much comfort here
fearing his change

life wrapped in ruts
commanded beyond the bounds

called to leave comfortable acquaintance
dangerous road with new companions

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    The Honor and Freedom of Understanding

    proper means
    fitting to curiosity
    properly wondered

    staying in wisdom's bounds
    while dancing its center

    accuracy shows honor
    creativity shows respect
    uncovering the real

    • data analysis, inference, and target population
    • type of data, nature of the question, and understanding the constructs

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    Moving Trust from Casual to Deep

    stuck in "whatever"
    until self-importance dies

    brokenness barely patched
    handed over once-for-all

    dirt swept under
    now fully cleansed

    following on my schedule
    until seeking his

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      This Alien Righteousness

      we are sojourners
      traveling with siblings
      sharing identity

      we are his people
      living as community
      sharing character

      he is our life
      reigning, indwelling
      Master, Friend

      • "this alien righteousness" Life Together
      • Life Together, by Bonhoeffer
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      Growth Happens when the Seed Dies

      feeble steps
      taken one by one
      even a look reframes the heart

      mere moments chosen
      run moment to moment
      opening a crack
      his perspective saturates


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      Signs of Spring 2010

      The Cherry Tree is Full of Blooms!

      The Manzanita is Full of Buds!

      I would have had pictures of the tulips, but alas, spring had not quite reached them.

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      Learning to Notice Together

      much silence
      the gentle uncovering
      bearing souls toward him

      ears, heart
      probing, waiting
      all-with-all, journeying
      learning, leaning

      practiced quiet
      Spirit here
      discerning the path


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      Teaching From Page to Flesh

      selecting the essentials
      discovering the framework
      that sets the pieces
      in involved flesh

      valuing the intricacy
      theme and variation
      tracing truth's resemblance
      life leaks  assumptions

      • teaching complex ideas with rich content
      • teaching through selection, distillation, connection, and engagement

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      Is absolute certainty arrogance (unless you're God)?

      keeping in mind what I know
      and don't know
      and missing insights
      and hidden inferences

      humility and certainty hand in hand
      search for truth


      • conclusions based on data and fair analysis
      • conclusions keeping in mind amount of error and complexity of relations

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      What if we're Becoming Together?

      figuring out our essence
      learning him and us
      becoming in him

      side-by-side, his work his way
      so it has always been
      from first-word to last

      • communal interaction as dialogue and partnership
      • ecclesiology as know-be-expand, my people...your God, and image bearers of the Trinity
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      What if Learning was Deep Sharing?

      shared ideas and perspectives
      with common purpose
      to serve the ultimate purpose

      shared rights and responsibilities
      with common master
      notions and connections revealing the Creator

      • interdisciplinary integration as subject, connection, and submission
      • communal interaction as dialogue and partnership

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      What if the Church was One?

      imbibing God's self-reflection
      we are his
      it shows

      reflecting him in ordinary life
      his truth
      in love

      immersed and taught
      we follow
      as we gather

      • systems science as stocks, flows, and feedbacks
      • ecclesiology as know-be-expand, my people...your God, and image bearers of the Trinity

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      What if all Learning has a Deeper Purpose?

      general revelation of One
      aligned with truth

      action and decision
      shaping this one creation
      partnering with our Creator

      toward true image-bearing
      seeking Him

      • systems science as stocks, flows, and feedbacks
      • interdisciplinary integration as subject, connection, and submission
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      While heart and head gather to chat...

      life is voiced
      emotion open and clarified
      life listens to wisdom's truth
      learns to walk

      perspective speaks
      mutually transforming
      belief clarified
      heart inches toward head

      • theological reflection: experience + tradition
      • theological reflection--> dialogue, inspection, transformation, and action
      What Are They Saying About Theological Reflection?
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      What if the Church was Healthy?

      the gathering...

      family of the Father

      one Body in the Son

      a people of the Spirit

      true humanity reflecting the Trinity


      • holistic health as affective, intellectual, spiritual, and physical
      • ecclesiology as know-be-expand, my people...your God, and image bearers of the Trinity

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      His Work--His Goodness

      goodness overflows life
      to trusters

      becoming life-sharers
      his goodness, his live shared
      reliance demanded

      truth translated life-by-life
      living his great goodness
      in my language

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      How to Decide this Particular Case

      each situation requires
      its own assurances
      these people in
      this particular place

      more need for assurance brings
      more possible error
      weigh each on its merits

      • uniqueness and specificity in Action Research
      • confidence and error tolerance in Linear Regression
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      What if it's All Connected?

      emotions and values
      directed by

      intellectual skills
      purposed toward

      love and holiness
      aligned with

      strength and agility
      transformed unto

      the Creator


      • holistic health as affective, intellectual, spiritual, and physical
      • interdisciplinary integration as subject, connection, and submission
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      Interpreting Basic Statistics (Micro Review)

      Claim: Exercises are provided on the assumption that reading and interpreting excerpts from actual research reports better prepares students as statistical researchers.

      Practical, thorough, interesting.

      Interpreting Basic Statistics Fifth Edition

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      What if Life was Together and Whole?

      souls opened
      passions and peeves interact

      ideas play mind-to-mind
      reaching for actuality

      laying out trusted ultimates
      striving for truth

      persons in responsive motion
      dancing life


      • holistic health as affective, intellectual, spiritual, and physical
      • communal interaction as dialogue and partnership

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      What if it was perfect?

       developed values
      good choices:

      accessible knowledge
      practical wisdom:

      lived love
      honest care:

      integrated strength
      responsive capacity:



      • holistic health as affective, intellectual, spiritual, and physical
      • systems science as stocks, flows, and feedbacks
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      Your Journey is Yours Together

      focused yet responsive
      listening for the Spirit in the soul
      echoing the voice

      unmeasurable influence and response
      waiting patiently for wisdom
      seeking God wherever found

      • spiritual accompaniment as flexible, trusting, and open art
      • spiritual accompaniment as specialized and complex

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      Two Critters I Meet Quite Often

      The trek to campus has much ivy, which is much loved by snails.

      Let's just call this one Barker. Urg!

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      The Sub-Culture of Public Transit

      like a cheap, crowded limo
      not quite luxury, but functional

      traveling where who-knows-who has sat
      stories embedded in seats, poles, and pull cords


      • public as accessible and shared
      • transit as conveyance here to there
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      Writing Poetry with a Tangent Matrix

      A while ago, I started using the tangent matrix concept to write the poems for this blog.  I am finding the practice creatively effective (in a monkeybar sort of way), so I thought I'd pass along the process.

      Below is the tangent matrix for Disciple-Making as Love.  The column labels were determined in advance of hearing the sermon and resulted from a devotional lectio on chapter 15 (Loving Yourself) in Practicing the Presence of People by Mason.  The row labels are sparse notes from a sermon preached by Paul R. Gupta at Torrance First Baptist on Sunday, April 11.

      Using my Moleskine, I wrote the sparse notes in the row header and forced ideas into the cells as the sermon was being preached.  Since I limit most of my posts to 25 words, I counted the words in each row (this time, not counting the row title) as I went along.  Here is the matrix.


      3rd world movementequippedactivecentered
      god works in our faithfulnessstandingwalkingmoved
      remain connectedhe loves me, he likes methrough mehis love
      remain in the Wordfeeding my souloverflowinghis message
      remain in his lovestaying opengivingreceiving

      Under each matrixed poem, I list the Informants (row and column headings) used to create the poem.  

      See the finished product: Disciple-Making as Love.

      What tools do you use to write?

       Practicing the Presence of People: How We Learn to Love

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      Spring Flowers in the Rain

      Captured a few blooms on my walk to campus this morning. Enjoy.

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      More than a Mere Day

      far past biology
      to soul training
      in the Name of the One

      a will apart
      shaped by years
      yearning for life well lived

      • birthday as origin and commencement
      • decoration as adorning, embellishing, and honoring

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      Disciple-Making as Love



      he loves me, likes me
      through me
      his love

      feeding my soul
      his message

      staying open

      • self-love, other-love, God-love
      • Gupta on John 15: remain in Christ, remain in the Word, remain in his love

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      Faith Looks Arrogant

      trusting God not perception
      may look like divine elitism

      living and telling truth you know is true
      may look like intellectual elitism

      but they're not


      • lived trust and correct knowledge
      • perception of superiority and excessive claims
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      The Critical Journey (Micro Review)

      Claim: Understanding one's locations, faith journey, and locations of others provides guidance for getting out of cages and transitioning stage to stage.

      Informative, practical, doable.

      Disclosure: If you purchase an item through the affiliate link, I receive a percentage of amazon's profit.
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      Nearly a Half Century Since Mom Bore Me, I Travel On

      space for creative productivity
      choice made

      sharing life over primal repast
      relations prized

      by chance or plan externals irritate
      far to go

      • breakfast, lunch, and a fed-ex door tag
      • time and maturity
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      What do you do when reality has too much variation?

      sometimes reality throws a curve-ball
      standard analyses come up short
      alternatives speak more carefully

      either way
      speak truth:

      fix the tool
      change the world


      • Stats: exceptions in expected results
      • Stats: alternative analysis and explanatory discussion
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      Jesus is Alive and it Matters!

      reality matches words spoken
      amazing courage
      utter rejection

      accuracy kept
      the story lives through time

      frightened followers
      now brave
      centuries of lives risk



      The Case for the Resurrection: A First-Century Investigative Reporter Probes History's Pivotal Event
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      Kohlrabi and Caramelized Onion

      • Kohlrabi, 6 each, cubed
      • water to cover kohlrabi
      • salt to taste
      • yellow onion, 1 each, cut in strips
      • black peppercorns, whole, ~1T
      • coconut oil
      • butter to taste
      1. Place kohlrabi in saucepan, cover with clean water. Add salt and boil until tender.
      2. Meanwhile, melt coconut oil in fry pan over medium-low heat.  Add onion strips and saute until slightly brown.
      3. Add peppercorns to onion pan and continue to saute until onions are well caramelized.
      4. Drain kohlrabi, reserving liquid for soup.
      5. Combine boiled kohlrabi and caramelized onion.
      6. Top with butter to enjoy whole or mash and mix with butter.
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      When the Church Was a Family (Micro Review)

      Claim: Modeling life after "the strong-group, surrogate family relations of early Christianity" is the only and best way to be Jesus-followers.

      Powerful, researched, ecclesiology must-read.

      Disclosure: If you purchase an item through the affiliate link, I receive a percentage of amazon's profit.
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